We got there early and were 5th in line and could barely contain ourselves peeking at the many goodies spilling out from the tents set up in the yard of the Old Grange Hall.
The ribbon barricadekept us from grabbing, and promptly at 4:00PM, the show opened! Rachel raced to the tents, and I raced upstairs into the Grange Hall. Packed with thousands of treasures. Aqua furniture, old suitcases, shutters with peely paint. Vintage letters and numbers and ....wait is that what I think it is......YES! YES! YES! OLD GYM BASKETS!!!! Mine! All mine! I bought all of them ladies. I just had to. They will soon make an appearance on the sales floor, so come and get em!
And so we spent several hours at the show, reconnecting with many friends from the various shows we've attended--Farm Chicks, Vintage Barn and it was a truly fun evening! We love our road trips, and we especially love filling the trailer with all of the hundreds of yummies we find!
All the best,
Colette & Rachel
Got my basket! Thanks girls! I have been on the hunt for those FOREVER! You gals are simply the BEST! Now hurry up and unload that trailer! :)