Wednesday, February 16, 2011

We're goin on a Buying Trip!

So this is a picture of our best friend! At least when we're going on a buying trip! Rest assured there will be an after shot with it packed full of all our new goodies.

Our destination this time is the Ruffles & Rust show in Monroe WA., and all the little towns in between. For all of you familiar with the tv. show American Pickers you can imagine what it's like, only I think we have way more fun, and we dress cuter! If only we had a car cam...

As it is not possible for us to be in two places at once, you may experiance a phenomenon we call SWS, or"Station 8 Withdrawl Syndrome." This is experienced when you drive by our cute little shop and the windows are dark, and when you call and get the machine. This phenomenon is not permanent, and will cease to exist on the 24th, with no lasting side effects.

All the best,

Rachel & Colette

1 comment:

  1. Be safe and find good stuff! I'll be back for The Farm Chicks and then off to Lakeside(and Station 8).
    Hugs from Florida~KarenSue
