It's official! I am now truly a Montana style Farm Chick! Can my smile get any bigger? Is that a cute booth or what?
What a weekend adventure Rachel and I had! We snacked the entire 4 hour drive from Montana and so feeling no pain being pumped up on chocolate, caffeine , salt, and sugar, we found the correct entrance to the fairgrounds,(after several trys of going through the horse show event); we found a parking space close to our loading dock(after going to the 6 or so wrong doors) we even backed up the 25 foot trailer without hitting anyone(with Rachel screaming at me and waving her arms frantically at me just a few times).
Then the fun began on Friday, unloading and setting up. We only made 57 trips from trailer to booth in the monsoon. I haven't had hair that big since my days in Michigan in the 1980's, and that was some BIG hair!What a little humidity can do...
Then on Saturday morning we saw the lines of people wind around the parking lot, down the street and up the block--forever!! Wow! Are we ready for this Rachel? Yikes!!
The show was amazing. The best part was the people we connected with. Jenny and Helen and Melissa and Stacy from the Junk Girls--our neighbors and new best friends. Naomi and her twin Nicole, our favorite customers.And Celeste,of Chaps, who encouraged us to apply to be a vendor, way back in January! The fabulous women on Timi's tour bus who wore their hairnets to get their 25% off!! All of the many vendors like Bob and Rolaina and Debbie and Sue, who gave us advice and made us 2 gals from Montana feel welcome. And to my fabulous local Columbia Falls customers who dropped into our booth to give us praise and encouragement! (You know who you are) Thank you friends!!!!
You all made Rachel and me feel so welcome!!
As soon as I figure out how to get the photos off my camera and onto the blog, I will post the amazing shots of the show! It was the most crazy fun I've ever had!!! So Rachel, are you ready for next year? I was thinking our new theme could be.......
All the best,